Ingrown hairs are certainly ugly and they appear like bumps on the face, with the hair growing inside looking apparent. Ingrown hair occurs because the hair curls inwards and starts growing inside the skin. People who have curly or rough textured hair experience it more than others. In some cases, such ingrowth can lead to inflammation and soreness. There are several ways to treat and prevent them from occurring through necessary home remedies.  What are Ingrown Hairs? An ingrown hair is a hair strand that grows back to your skin after waxing, shaving, or tweezing. It may be itchy or painful and usually visible around your legs, public area, armpits, and face. These are also called barber bumps, shave bumps, and razor bumps.   Do Home Remedies for Ingrown Hairs Are Effective? Ingrown hair sometimes causes inflammation, swelling, and more pain....