Staying away from the ecstasy of Irish coffee because of the alcoholic content? Well, you no more have to control the temptation. But, before we begin sharing the recipe we have in hand. Let’s take a minute to know what actually Irish coffee is. Irish coffee The mouth-watering drink has an interesting history. All thanks to Chef Joseph Sheridan for improvising the Irish tradition of adding whiskey in their tea. He replaced tea with coffee and introduced the world to the most lip-smacking concoction. The classic drink basically includes sweetened coffee, proportionate ounces of Irish whiskey, and whipped cream. The alcoholic kick is what makes it taste unique. Choco-Hazelnut Irish coffee Recipe Choco-Hazelnut Irish coffee But, just like me, if you are one of those souls who like to keep it alcohol-free, then here is how you can still savor...