Health is distancing itself from us quickly in this fast-paced environment. Now it’s harder to maintain healthy eating basics and lifestyles. Our health is deteriorating  by consuming fast food, carbonated drinks, and food dyes. These have caused us to struggle with a variety of health issues. When we incorporate a healthy diet into our daily routine, the bad diets we have once in a while won’t impact us and will help balance our diet.  How to eat healthy food every day? Always include veggies and fruits in your meals. Proteins, vitamins, minerals, and iron in fruits and vegetables help meet the body’s daily energy needs. Whole grains such as wheat, barley, brown rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, rye, quinoa, and sorghum contain good amounts of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. These are necessary nutrients for women’s health.  Incorporate whole grains in your...