Career & Money

Mistakes in your Resume that won’t Impress

Before we even come in contact with the employer in person, it is the resume that speaks for us. As…

9 years ago

5 Ways not to Look Boring in Office

No matter how filled our closets are with clothes, we always have the dilemma of what to wear, especially to…

10 years ago

7 Top Job Posting Phrases Decoded

  Have you often taken up a job that you dropped after 3 months because you did not figure out…

10 years ago

Top 5 Things Not to Do at Work

We spend half our lives in our workplace. So it is natural that we have differences as well as friendly…

10 years ago

Ways To Save Money On Beauty Products

Beauty, cosmetics, jewelry and shopping… all these are most beloved topics of all women. Its indeed essential to look stylish…

10 years ago

Back to work after baby

Back to work after baby Just imagine how a child feels when he is asked to face the outside world…

10 years ago

Most rewarding Degree after Graduation

Every person desires of a life that is made up of top class education, great job, monetary security and a…

10 years ago

5 Best part time career options for teenaged girls

Working in your Teens: The phase of a teenager goes through a lot of transitions and changes within oneself. It…

10 years ago

Top 5 interesting home based careers for women

In the today’s era of Information, Technology, and Communication, Women are playing important role in various industries. Today’s woman is…

10 years ago

Celebrating small achievements boosts your confidence

Celebrating small achievements Life is a valuable gift given by God to us. It is very essential to cherish every…

10 years ago