09 Mar 2025

Category: Career & Money


What Does Freedom Mean for Women? 

Have you ever wondered why the word “freedom” carries such weight for women? Have you ever questioned why women must continually fight for their fundamental human rights? Why do men often decide what freedom looks like for us—how we should behave, what we should wear,…

how to have a work-life balance
Career & Money

5 Most notable work-life balance tips 

Work-life balance importance When you get stuck between your dreams and family, a healthy work-life balance is essential. It has become the norm for generations to force women to do what they want. They were previously frozen in the kitchen. Change made women stronger and…

Career & Money

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone 

Staying in your comfort zone is okay and fine!! But coming out of it and exploring new things is a different experience. Am I right? Well, I will tell you, why stepping out of your comfort zone is important.  What is a Comfort Zone?  Some…

Career & Money

How to Handle Office Politics 

Today, we discuss an important topic that affects many women in their lives: workplace politics. Whether you’re new to work or a seasoned professional, the complex web of workplace dynamics is challenging for everyone. Did you know that according to a recent survey, nearly 60%…

Money & Savings

10 Best Ways to Save Money on Big Stuffs 

Fed up with overspending and want to cut expenses without losing your favorite things? No more worries! Saving is easier when you plan things correctly. From shopping to food, there are different ways you can cut your costs effectively. We help you figure out the…

Beat the challenge of being a work from home mom
Career & Money

Challenges of being a work from home Mom 

Women always had a challenge between choosing whether to stay at home or go to work when they have kids. They often get torn between these responsibilities and want the best of both the options. The world has changed and brought different options for women…

Career & Money

Ways To Improve Body Language 

Our bodies are continuously sending forth signals, from the sway of a hand to the tilt of a head, that disclose our innermost intentions, feelings, and thoughts. We set out on a quest to solve the puzzles surrounding body language in this blog, by exploring…

Female workplace issues
Career & Money

Challenges Faced By Women In The Workplace 

Women’s emancipation has advanced significantly throughout the years. Now more than ever, women are pursuing their goals. But do they receive the same treatment at work as men? The discrimination against women is still present in the 21st century. Earlier, women struggled for the right…