Skin & Hair Care

10 Reasons To Use Dry Shampoo

  The greatest cosmetic invention of the modern era is the invention of dry shampoo. When we are rushed for…

9 years ago

10 Myths and Facts About Hair Loss in Women

  Isn't it horrifying to find tons of your hair strands in your hair brush or on your pillow or…

9 years ago

10 Commandments of curly hair

People who are blessed with curls are also stuck with the problem of maintaining them. It’s not easy as running…

10 years ago

4 Ways to Deal with your Bangs

Bangs are tricky locks of hair on your forehead. Some people have had them their entire life. Basically they never…

10 years ago

10 Weird Skin Tips That Work Wonders

Sometimes even the best of products will not work on your skin that has a problem. There are some weird…

10 years ago

7 Must-have Hair Styling Tools

  If you want to style your hair, especially at home you need to have the right tools to get…

10 years ago

6 Top reasons that you might be suffering from Brittle Hair

Most of us have suffered from brittle hair at some point or the other in our lives. There are a…

10 years ago

7 Mistakes that you are Making After Coloring your Hair

We all spend hundreds of dollars in coloring our hair. And to have it fade away is nothing less than…

10 years ago

10 Skin-Care actions You Should Be doing Before Bedtime

We all are well aware of washing our face every night and removing any makeup before we hop on to…

10 years ago

5 Homemade Face Packs That Help Reduce Sun Tan

A sun tan is very hard to get rid of, especially if you are one of those people suffering from…

10 years ago