Professional Manicure at Home
As a working woman, time is a luxury. Between deadlines, meetings, and the occasional “I swear I’ll start meal-prepping this week” promise to myself, scheduling a salon visit feels impossible. But does that mean I should accept dull, chipped nails? Absolutely not! So, I’ve cracked…
10 Things to Pack for a Trip
Packing for travel is crucial. You have to carry essentials and avoid regretting not packing them later. Ensure that your travel packing checklist aligns with your fun and plans. According to the occasion of travel, the list of requirements can change. Prepare your Things to…
5 Reasons Why You Should Take a Quick Break From Your Work
Why is taking breaks at work important? Well, here is why. There is a popular story of two woodcutters who work together which demonstrates how one works more efficiently than the other. One of the cutters took time away from cutting to sharpen his axe,…
Easy DIY Nail Art Designs & Fun Nail Polish Uses
Did you know that the global nail polish market is expected to reach $15 billion by 2024? It’s no surprise—nail art has become a favorite pastime for many women, offering a fun way to express creativity and style. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned…
5 Simple Recipes for all your Skin Problems
Problem free and clear skin is every woman’s dream! We all use so many products to get that flawless look. After done applying every product that is supposed to give us glow, we come back to a dull face in the mirror. Products in commercials,…
The Best Upcycling Ideas
Are you someone who tries to make something original out of things that most people would normally consider having a different purpose? If so, then you should totally read this blog. There are numerous ways to upcycle items that you can use to create stunning…
When to throw away your old makeup?
Makeup is all colors and fun, but from the base, eyes and lip products have a varied shelf life which calls for usage within the expiry date. Using old/expired makeup can cause harm to the skin, leading to skin conditions like rashes and infections. Products…
How to Paint Your Home Exterior?
You can use a fresh coat of colorful paint when changing your home’s exterior appearance. The exterior painting of your house is much as necessary as the interior. Why is exterior painting important? It protects your walls from harmful weather factors such as rain, dust,…
10 Steps To Makeup Removal
At the end of a long day, when you get back home from a party or function, you may feel too tired to remove all your makeup before getting into bed. Leaving makeup on your skin for the whole night can damage your skin, resulting…
8 Tricky Unusual Uses of Safety Pin
Forget about the age-old use of safety pins that are used to attach two pieces of cloth. We put together some unusual simple uses for this tiny wonder. Every lady without a doubt has a bundle of safety pins in her purse as they’re high-quality…