Tips on How to Lose Weight and Feel Great
Due to poor lifestyle choices, the majority of women struggling with being overweight is rising. This rise in overweight is because of pregnancy, constipation, abnormal growth, or fluid retention. It may even be hereditary in some women. This weight growth can be periodic, continuous, or…
Braving winters with excellent less than 400 calorie meals!
Braving winters with excellent less than 400 calorie meals! Come winters, we find that our hunger pangs have increased in a phenomenal manner. It is also seen that food cravings for dishes and recipes that are strictly “no-no,” increases with a vengeance. When it is…
Top 12 Fruit Juices to Detoxify Your Liver Naturally
Did you know that our liver performs more than 500 functions in maintaining our health? Yes, it is the most important organ in our body that helps us stay healthy. It plays a major role in maintaining metabolism, the immune and digestive systems, and, most…
How to Make Molten Mug Chocolate Cake in 5 Minutes
There’s nothing like craving something sweet late at night or after a long day. As someone who has made a molten chocolate mug cake more times than I can count, I can confidently say that this recipe is not just quick and easy—it’s absolutely foolproof….
How to Eat Oats for Breakfast?
Evelyn entered the living room, where Patricia, Clara, and Naomi were seated. Evelyn saw that her friends were involved in animated gossip, so they didn’t notice her entry. “Whoa, girls! Can I join the banter?” Evelyn quipped. Her friends turned to look at Evelyn. “Sure!”…
How to Make Chocolate Ganache
Who doesn’t love chocolate? Whether it’s a rich frosting on your favorite cake or the silky center of a truffle, chocolate ganache is the key to many delectable desserts. I still remember the first time I encountered chocolate ganache and its creamy, melt-in-your-mouth goodness. Today,…
Your food choice talks about your personality
Food has always been considered to be one of the greatest needs of the human body. Food gives us energies and contributes deeply in boosting our growth and development till we get aged. Our eating habits are influenced by various aspects like our family, tradition,…
7 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Pasta
Pasta is the most popular Italian dish. As simple as this dish is to make, there are a few mistakes that people still make after years of experience cooking it.Pasta doesn’t just involve dumping pasta in a pan of hot water. The technique, procedure…
5 flavored mayonnaise recipes to relish your sandwich
Well, who wouldn’t want a dab of extra mayo in their burger? Not many say no to this mouth-watering add-on, do they? In spite of the high-fat content, the world is nowhere close to finding a better alternative. Smooth, creamy, and enchanting, a little squeeze…
5 Top Reasons For Sunken Cakes
It can be heart breaking to see the cake that you’ve baked with so much love and effort sink in the center. Are you wondering why that happened? Here are some of most likely causes of the sunken cake: Too Much leavening agent You…