5 kitchen hacks to make life easy
Is it your first time in the kitchen? Wondering what to and what not to do? Well, we completely understand that feeling when you end up messing even the simplest dish. Cooking might look easy but practically, there is never an easy day in the…
Awe-Inspiring Kitchen Hacks
The kitchen is regarded as the most functional area and also holy by women in India. Earlier, in the era of our grandmas, housewives had to spend many hours in the kitchen, maybe in front of the fire, cooking or cutting, slicing, cleaning and every…
5 veggies that help lose weight
In spite of all the efforts you take to lose weight, those flabby tissues are quite stubborn and don’t leave that easily. Sometimes, it’s about that extra cup of ice cream that you thought wouldn’t do much damage or the time when you hogged those…
6 Must-Have Bathroom Accessories You Shouldn’t Miss Out!!!
Maybe you haven’t ever thought about it but bathrooms usually have lots of accessories which you should be aware of. These days’ washrooms are created in a functional manner to make them look posh and up to date. Here are given 6 must have bathroom…
Staying away from the ecstasy of Irish coffee because of the alcoholic content? Well, you no more have to control the temptation. But, before we begin sharing the recipe we have in hand. Let’s take a minute to know what actually Irish coffee is. The…
10 Ways to Recycle your Kids Old Stuff
Before we realize it we land up with a closet full of old clothes, toys and other trinkets of our kids. Some even carry a lot of sentiments due to which we never part with them and land up filling our homes with a…
5 Tips to Select a Sturdy Sofa
Every household has a sofa. The market is flooded with tons of sofas to choose from and the task can get quiet confusing. Some are only good to look at and won’t give any comfort if sat on. Others are not suitable for households that…
How to Get Crayon Marks off Walls
Almost all households with toddlers face the situation when their walls get decorated with their little tot’s art.Crayon scribbles are not as hard to get off as you imagine them to be. Here are 7 ways in which you can easily get crayon marks off…
7 Risks Everyone Should Take in Home Decor
It is not common for people to get wild in their home decor. Most of us feel it’s better to play it safe and stick to neutral shades, whether it is to pick a shade of the sofa or our wall color. But there are…
Top 10 Gardening Mistakes
Gardening is a lot of effort. But it can be an activity that you take up to de-stress or even to lose weight. There is something about this activity that relaxes you and puts you at ease. It could be the aspect of dealing with…