18 Oct 2024

Category: Lifestyle Hacks

How to Child Proof Your Home
Home & Kitchen

How to Child Proof Your Home 

After your child starts crawling, even the confines of your own home can pose to be a hazard for your child. Young minds are curious. He or she might want to investigate the electric plug points in your home by poking his or her finger…

Top 5 Desserts to Make for Christmas
Food and Recipes

Top 5 Desserts to Make for Christmas 

  The best way to welcome the festive season is to treat yourself to some desserts. Of course we are not talking about the store bought ones. Don’t be lazy. Get up and make your Christmas special by making your own desserts. Make your dessert…

5 Ways to make cleaning fun
Cleaning & Decor Ideas

8 Ways to Make Cleaning Fun 

For most of us, cleaning can be a real chore. First of all do not start the process of cleaning with a negative mindset. Studies have proven that the state of mind and emotions we feel while doing a task has a direct relation to…

Quick 3 ingredient dessert
Food and Recipes

Quick 3 Ingredient Dessert 

The official dessert of Brazil, Brigadeiro can be made with three simple ingredients found in every home all over the world.Brazilians swear by their brigadeiro’s. The best part is that you can even make this in the microwave, but of course you will not get…

Things to remember for new cat owners

Things To Remember For New Cat Owners 

Pets are great companions, be it a dog or a cat. Pets offer solace, joy, cheer and make great friends too. At the same time you should also realize that pets are a great responsibility too and that means making changes in your home and…

Clean Your Closet In 30 Minutes
Cleaning & Decor Ideas

Clean Your Closet In 30 Minutes 

Clothes and shoes are the things that we buy for no reason. Earlier people shopped for clothes and shoes only during special occasions such birthdays but today we do not need a reason to buy clothes and that is the reason most of us face…