05 Jan 2025

Category: Motherhood

Baby Food
Toddler Care

Packaged Baby Food are Not as Healthy as it appears! 

A new study, published in the journal Pediatrics, shows that many packaged meals and snacks for toddlers contain worrisome amounts of salt and sugar. This is a major concern because it could potentially give children an early preference for foods that may contribute to obesity…

5 Ways to Teach Your Child to be a Good Sport

5 Ways to Teach Your Child to be a Good Sport 

Sportsmanship is a very important character to possess. Winning is not everything. All kids need to learn that. And as parents, it is your responsibility to teach them that.The first step is to set to set an example for them. When you accompany them for…

baby Piercing
Toddler Care

Piercing Your Baby’s Ear 

In some culture’s it is normal to pierce a baby’s ear when he or she is new born. But others can choose to do so after a couple of months or even several years down the line. Here are some factors that can help you…

Things You Should Never Do in Front of Kids

Things You Should Never Do in Front of Kids 

Kids absorb stuff like a sponge. They learn a lot of things from you. The last thing you need your kid to do is to pick up the wrong habits, behavior or attitude from you. Swear or use foul language-Your child can’t pronounce tough words,…

Top pregnancy myths

Top Pregnancy Myths 

The advancement in science and technology and has done nothing to make old wives’ tales disappear. Sure you get a lot of advice, especially from old grannies. It’s important not to believe everything that you hear. Here are some common myths that are still doing…