Pregnancy and eating eggs
Congratulations. You are reading this means you are expecting. Well, It is very essential to eat nutritious food all the time, but it’s more important when you are pregnant. Doctors always say, keep a close look at what you eat during pregnancy, both for your…
Smartness quotient in messy kids
Next time you are scolding your child for being messy, think again, maybe he is a lot smarter than his peers. Latest research conducted in the University of Iowa indicates that kids who smash, swoosh and throw their food may actually be in a learning…
Are you planning to have a baby? Consider a few things before.
Are you planning to have a baby? Surely, it is a great decision. Hey! But there are many things that a couple should consider before they plan to start a family. Most of the parents must have shared their experiences about having babies and how…
Advantages of being single mother children
It is a common view to think about single mothers rearing their young kids with disdain. Despite, single mothers putting in the best of their efforts they have to face a lot of criticisms from all quarters which is quite unfortunate. Many studies have been…
Find out if your daughter is suffering from eating disorders!
Teenage is a very delicate phase in every child’s life. Suddenly they find themselves at a stage where they are neither considered as a kid nor as grownups. They are quite confused and going through a transition phase. This age is such when they get…
How to overcome eating disorders?
What are eating disorders? Eating disorders have a very different approach for different people. These disorders can make disastrous changes in the eating habits of a person. These people find it very difficult to eat as they have a fear of weight gain. The two…
Great Ways to Have Successfully Conceive After 35
Large number of women today may plan to have a child after 35 or during their thirties. This opportunity can be joyful but it is filled with riddled question of whether the pregnancy will be safe or not? The fact is true that pregnancy during…
All About Taking your Kid to the Dentist for the First Time
Taking your kid to the dentist for the first time may be as early as you may realize! Although it depends on parents that when they wish to take their child for a dental checkup but preferably the age of two and a half to…
Want to help your kid to handle bullying
Bullying is a worldwide concern today for all parents. In schools and colleges, kids tease each other. This is a normal scenario everywhere. When this teasing is playful and friendly, everyone finds it funny and no one is upset. The problem arises when the teasing…
5 things a parent must tell a daughter
Talk to your teen with great care! When talking to your daughter, especially in her teens, one of the most important things that need to be kept in mind is communication. When going through teenage years, a lot of hormonal changes takes place in her…