Lifestyle Hacks



We are lured by the fashion icons of the world. We want to dress like them, look like them and spend our entire money on buying clothes and go broke sometimes.

But do you know there are tips and little tricks which can save your money while keeping up with the trends at the same time?

Yes, you can save your money from now on fulfilling your wish to look like a Fashionista.

Fashion Tips

Here are the 6 Fashion tips to transform you.

So get ready to look like a Diva!!


  • DIY- A Brilliant Way To Use Fashion

Now revamp your old and boring clothes which are lying on your cupboard.

You have so many options and none requires spending money.

Cut your jeans to create brand new sexy shorts or you can transform it into a ripped jean.

Ripped Jeans
Jean Outfits

Don’t throw away your old t-shirts but cut the sleeves for a racer back top or a fringed top.


Mix and match it with your accessories to give that complete statement.

You can also transform your old midi or a maxi skirt to a whole new summer dress or a clubbing dress.

DIY Dress
Skirt to Dress
Shirt to Dress

And the best part of DIY is- None requires Sewing!!

  • LOOK EXPENSIVE- Little Known Ways To Fashion

You can now upgrade your fashion with these simple tips.

Avoid earthly dressed colors which make you look boring. Instead, try those prints and patterns with vibrant jewel tones for a more luxurious look.


An outfit is always incomplete without a fragrance. For better results, apply a moisturizer before you apply perfume on your wrists, elbows, neck and to your knee.


White shirts will never go out of fashion with your blue jeans. So wear it to make the killer statement!!

White Shirts

If you want to have the Lady Diana look, then go for a minimal makeup. It not only makes you look classy but gives you a flawless beautiful face.

minimal makeup
  • RED COLOR- What They Say

Scientists reveal that men are more attracted to the color-Red.

So if you are wondering what to wear for your next date wear a Red dress and Red Lipstick and notice how your man will woo you!!

red rules


The bottom line is, you can now master the Art of Fashion by using these techniques.

These tricks will pump up your dress sense instantly.




Introducing Clara, a seasoned creative writer with a passion for empowering women across all facets of life. With a diverse background in content creation and a deep understanding of women's needs and aspirations, Clara shares practical advice on relationships, women in the workplace, empowerment, career advancement, lifestyle, health, and beauty. Her articles combine insightful analysis with actionable tips, serving as a guiding light for women navigating the complexities of modern life. Whether it's fostering healthy relationships, overcoming workplace challenges, embracing self-empowerment, or prioritizing self-care, Clara's expertise shines through in her thoughtful and relatable writing. Join Clara on a journey of growth, empowerment, and fulfillment as she champions women's voices and celebrates their resilience and strength.

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