Menstruation or say periods! These words are enough to put women in distress. Though it’s a part of biological processes, women don’t feel comfortable during their periods due to the physical and mental swings(please reword) they face in that period. The next reason would be hygiene maintenance. Menstrual hygiene is as important as taking care of your day to day activities. Any compromise in menstrual hygiene can leave harmful effects in your body. Status of sanitary essentials: Talking about menstruation or menstrual hygiene aloud is considered as taboo. Women don’t step forward to take care of themselves because of these taboos prevailing in society. Also, the illiteracy and unawareness of women about menstrual hygiene are putting the lives of many women at risk. Stigmatizing menstruation is happening all around the world. As a result, adolescent girls don’t get the opportunity...