Categories: Women's Fitness

Five simple and time saving exercises for teenage girls

Growing age is a very crucial age, especially for girls. Their bodies undergo various changes and they need proper diet, exercises and care to grow in a healthy, beautiful girl. Since teenage girls have a lot going on in their lives, time is of essence for them. Thus, they cannot spend a lot of time gyming or exercising. Five simply yet quite effective, time consuming exercises for teenage girls are-

  1. Before starting any exercise, it is important to be well hydrated. Drink enough water to keep body hydrated otherwise in just a matter of few minutes; they will start gasping for breath. Walking is one of the most simple and effective exercises. If a girl lacks time for proper exercises, she can brisk walk from her parking space to her college or a mall. Instead of lifts or escalators, she can take stairs. Brisk walking also brings a glow on the face, thus serving dual purposes.
  2. Indulge in body strengthening exercises. Focus should be on the entire body, that is, legs, arms and core. This can be accomplished by sit ups, crunches and planks. These exercises can be done in a short time but deliver excellent results. Slowly and gradually, the number of repetitions can be increased. Stomach muscles will get strengthened, tightened and well defined thereby resulting in a leaner shape. Leg muscles can be strengthened by brisk walking, jogging and squats. Wall sits and vertical jumps are perfect if flabbiness is seen in the leg muscles. Thigh and calf muscles get defines and strengthened. Legs will look shapely, stronger and nicer as a result. Lunges can also give a proper shape to the leg muscles. Before starting any of these exercises, jumping 100 times or any other exercise for warm up is necessary.
  3. For back and core muscles, crunches are best. They bring about tightening in the muscles in a gradual manner. Initially some inch loss will be seen and later excess weight will be shed off. Besides doing these exercises, it is necessary to eat healthy and nutritive diet. A balanced diet will make a lot of difference. Avoid greasy, oily and sweet foods.
  4. Some Yoga exercises can also bring a lot of difference in the body. These asanas are done at a slow pace but are quite effective. Also, the results of these exercises are long term in comparison to other exercises. It is very important to do these exercises under suitable guidance. Kapalbhati is one of the exercises that tones stomach muscles. Before exercising and in between exercises, it is necessary to drink water. It not only push out toxins from the body making skin radiant and glowing but also improves functions of various body parts. One must drink 1.5 l-2 l water every day.
  5. If taking out time for exercises is difficult, one can join a new sport. It can even be a ballet activity or gymnastics.

The exercises mentioned above are not only simple but also effective. Exercising on a regular basis will surely offer desired results.


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