Skin & Hair Care

Baking Soda-A personal Care-taker for every body!

While making a transition over health and beauty elements, suddenly my eyes popped into one of the super-simple kitchen ingredients that play magic in many men and women’s lives.

What’s it?

Baking Soda, officially called as sodium bicarbonate is a high alkaline salt with complex purposes. There are few people who mistake between the name baking soda and baking powder. Baking powder is often used for baking uses while baking soda can interact with any leavening agent. This amazing ingredient is used from household cleaner to laundry boosting detergent.

household cleaner

Other than this, women are highly benefited due to its neutralizing effect. Some of its personal care purposes are given below:

1. Ceases Bad Breath– Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with a glass of water and use it as an easy mouthwash. This helps you fresh your breath avoiding bad odors.

Ceases Bad Breath

2. Glow not only to face but also to teeth– You might have heard many using this super ingredient as their daily natural toothpaste. This helps in polishing and whitening the teeth in a simple n’ effective manner.

3. DIY deodorant– As this powder seems sensitive to skin, sprinkling them on dress acts as the natural deodorant.

4. Simple exfoliating Method– A simple and effective way to exfoliate your dead skin cells. Mix 3 tsp of baking soda to 1 tsp of water and rub it gently in a circular motion.

Simple exfoliating Method

5. Easing skin irritations– Mix a cup of baking soda to your bathwater. This not just relieves you from skin irritations but also softens and lightens your texture.

Easing skin irritations

6. Relieve Heartburn and Insect bites– As baking soda has antacid component, its acts as anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial used for heart burns and insect bites.

7. Feet Smoothening– Do you have a cracked foot? Now soften and smooth them by applying soda solution. For this add baking soda to warm water and soak your feet for 5 min and rub it.

Feet Smoothening

It’s not just over, literally there’re many other uses. Hope you find this article useful!


Meet Linda, an experienced writer dedicated to providing practical advice for women in the realms of beauty, fashion, health, and mental wellness. With a wealth of experience and a genuine passion for empowering women, Linda's articles offer insightful guidance and actionable tips to help women enhance their overall well-being and confidence. Drawing from her extensive knowledge in these areas, Linda's writing is characterized by its practicality, accessibility, and emphasis on self-care. Whether it's exploring the latest beauty trends, decoding fashion essentials, promoting healthy living habits, or advocating for mental wellness.

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