Do you have a box of unused tarnished silver jewelry lying in your drawer waiting to be polished?Do not spend money on unnecessary expensive silver polishes when you can get the same results with a few ingredients found in your own kitchen. What you need: Boiling Water – 1 cup Vinegar – ½ cup Salt – 1 tablespoon Aluminum Foil – 1 sheet Baking Soda – 1 tablespoon Polishing cloth – 1 Procedure: Line a glass dish with aluminum foil, with the shiny side up. Sprinkle baking soda and salt all over the foil sheet. Pour in the vinegar. Mix well, till all the dry ingredients are dissolved. Pour in the boiling water. Drop the silver jewelry in the dish one by one, until fully submerged. Allow to rest for a minute or two. Remove from the dish and wipe...