Categories: Food and Recipes

Quick 3 Ingredient Dessert

The official dessert of Brazil, Brigadeiro can be made with three simple ingredients found in every home all over the world.Brazilians swear by their brigadeiro’s. The best part is that you can even make this in the microwave, but of course you will not get the perfect results as when you make it in a pan.


  • Condensed milk – 1 cup
  • Margerine or Butter – 1 tbsp
  • Unsweetened Cocoa – 3 tbsp

Here’s how we make it :

  • Heat together all the above ingredients in a pan on a medium flame. Keep stirring so as to avoid getting burnt. After ten minutes, the mixture will start thickening.
  • The tricky part is to know when the mixture is done. You can tell it’s done when the mixture leaves a mark on the pan at the bottom. When you feel that the mixture has started sticking; and forming a marked layer on the bottom of the pan, stop the heat. Roll into balls while moderately hot and roll them in your choice of toppings.
  • Some people add few teaspoons of cream to make it into a toffee like pudding, which you can spoon out of tiny cups.
  • You can choose between varieties of topping such as powdered nuts, desiccated coconut, sprinkles, chocolate flakes, icing sugar etc…
  • Place them in greased cupcake foils and store at room temperature.

So do try to make your own bite sized morsels of this unique dessert. Get a taste of Brazil in a bite.

Written by : Rasha Ashraf


Meet Linda, an experienced writer dedicated to providing practical advice for women in the realms of beauty, fashion, health, and mental wellness. With a wealth of experience and a genuine passion for empowering women, Linda's articles offer insightful guidance and actionable tips to help women enhance their overall well-being and confidence. Drawing from her extensive knowledge in these areas, Linda's writing is characterized by its practicality, accessibility, and emphasis on self-care. Whether it's exploring the latest beauty trends, decoding fashion essentials, promoting healthy living habits, or advocating for mental wellness.

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