Stains on laminate flooring are hard to come by because of the nature of the flooring boards. However some stains are stubborn and require more than just a sweep and wipe to get rid of.
1. Nail polish
Of course the obvious choice as most of us would think of is nail polish remover. But then nail polish remover might remover the shine of the laminate flooring.
So instead make a paste of scouring powder and a little warm water. Apply on the affected area and scrub lightly with a plastic scrubber.
2. Blood
Spray the blood strain with a window cleaner and wipe off with a damp cloth.
3. Liquor
Use a damp cloth that has been soaked in detergent and wipe the stain. If it fails to disappear with detergent then use a cloth dipped in denatured alcohol to wipe the stain off the floor.
4. Crayon marks
All household with small kids have this problem of crayon marks all over the floor and walls.
Wipe the crayon marks with a damp cloth that is also dipped in mineral spirits. If this method does not work then wipe the floor clean using toothpaste and a microfiber cloth.
5. Grease
Freeze the area using an ice pack and remove the hardened grease using a spoon or blunt knife. And subsequently wipe clean using a cloth sprayed with window cleaner.
6. Ink
Wipe the ink stain using warm water and detergent. If the stain is really stubborn then you might consider using a commercial ink remover.
7. Chewing gum
Remove the excess chewing gum and clean the remaining gum using a cloth dipped in mineral spirits.
8. Heel marks
As funny as it may sound, use an eraser to wipe off heel marks from the laminate flooring.
So do try these methods to get rid of these common stain issues.
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