Lifestyle Hacks


Staying away from the ecstasy of Irish coffee because of the alcoholic content? Well, you no more have to control the temptation. But, before we begin sharing the recipe we have in hand. Let’s take a minute to know what actually Irish coffee is.

Irish coffee

The mouth-watering drink has an interesting history. All thanks to Chef Joseph Sheridan for improvising the Irish tradition of adding whiskey in their tea. He replaced tea with coffee and introduced the world to the most lip-smacking concoction. The classic drink basically includes sweetened coffee, proportionate ounces of Irish whiskey, and whipped cream. The alcoholic kick is what makes it taste unique.

Choco-Hazelnut Irish coffee Recipe

Choco-Hazelnut Irish coffee

But, just like me, if you are one of those souls who like to keep it alcohol-free, then here is how you can still savor this exotic delicacy without having to compromise on the taste. Well, here are the secret ingredients; thank us later!

8 ounces of steaming hot brewed coffee

1 ounce Hazelnut creamer

Chocolate syrup

Whipping cream

Preheat the glass in which your coffee is to be served. Add a good amount of strong coffee and include the hazelnut creamer. Include one tsp chocolate syrup to the mixture and secure some for garnishing. Sweeten the whipped cream and add it over the coffee.

Tricky Cream Float

Tricky Cream Float

Yes, it really is tricky to make the cream float over the coffee. After a good research on the web, the secret was finally revealed. It all lies in the way the cream is whipped. Maintaining what they call it a “ropey consistency” will ensure your home-made Irish delight looks just as they serve in cafes. An extra hint is to keep the coffee amply hot while the cream being too cold to make it float easily.

Sprinkle coffee powder and glaze it with chocolate grates for the garnishing.

You could also experiment it with different flavors by adding Rum extracts, lemon grates, or with a scoop of ice cream. Whatever be the variant, Irish coffee is sure going to be the best treat for every caffeine addict.


I'm Hayley, an experienced writer with a passion for empowering women in all aspects of their lives. With a diverse background in fashion designing and a wealth of experience, I share insights and advice on career advancement, beauty, fashion, style, diet, and health. Whether you're a young woman embarking on your professional journey or an older woman navigating career transitions, my articles provide practical tips and guidance to help you thrive in every stage of life. From mastering the art of dressing for success to embracing self-care practices that enhance your well-being, I'm here to support you on your journey to success and fulfillment.

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