
How to become an ideal guest?

How to Become an Ideal Guest

Often, hosts invite guests for a brief stay, especially on weekends and special occasions. However, some guests can be nuisances. To be an ideal guest, follow these do’s and don’ts.

  1. Share your plans well in advance-It is very important to share your travelling plans with the hosts well in advance. This will allow guests to prepare for your stay and make your stay comfortable. In case, they are not at home or they have any other plans, they can inform you. This will help you to change your plans so that none of you have to face any problem.
  2. Bring a gift-When visiting someone, it is very important to bring a gift for them. It is a nice gesture and it is not necessary that this gift needs to be quite expensive, rather it should be thoughtful. One can also display their creative skills and put together a beautiful gift as per your hosts’ likes and interests.
  3. Being a good sport- During visits, prioritize taking care of the hosts’ feelings and enjoying activities, even if not their main interest. Spend quality time with them, as this is the primary reason for staying with them.
  4. Follow house rules-Household rules, such as shoes removal, breakfast schedule, and child sleep schedule, are essential for guests to feel comfortable and avoid issues during their stay.
  5. Invite your hosts in your leisure activities-When you visit a place and you must have planned certain leisure activities that you would like to enjoy. You need to include your hosts too in these leisure activities. Don’t treat their house just for comfortable staying arrangements. This time can be used to enjoy some activities together which will help in taking your relationship to a higher level.
  6. Replace what you have used-When visiting someone, it is invariable that you are going to use something during your stay, for example, toothpaste, shampoo, and more. It is good to replenish things that have been used by you but take care that your host do not get offended by this gesture. If your host is taking this in a wrong way, it is best to refrain from this gesture.
  7. Do your work and don’t depend on your guests-It is important to remember that you are not staying at a hotel but at your friends’ place. Thus, it is important that you do not depend on your host for your personal work like placing your used plates in the sink or washing your clothes.

If above tips are kept in mind, you will surely become an ideal guest and not a nuisance for your host.



Nancy is a dedicated blogger passionate about food, recipes, and health care. With a deep love for crafting delicious, nutritious dishes, she shares her expertise through her blog, offering practical advice and creative ideas. Nancy's content is a trusted resource for those seeking to improve their well-being and culinary skills, blending health care insights with mouthwatering recipes to inspire her readers.

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