Children usually have a short attention span. It is difficult to manage them or keep them occupied even at home, so imagine keeping them entertained and occupied during long flights and trips. Children cannot be expected to have the patience of adults and there is no point getting panicky or angry if the children turn restless.
The question here is how to keep them entertained during these trips. The answer as you have guessed is ‘with toys’. Again the question arises as to what kind of toys is best for travels. Read on to find some ideas and suggestions on the best travel friendly toys for kids.
Toys that do not add to your luggage weight-Though your child would want you to pack his favorite huge teddy bear, explain to him about the weight limit of luggage at airport. Do pack in his favorite toys but ones that do not weigh much. Carrying heavy toys for a trip is not a good idea.
Miniature toys-Nowadays, you get a great variety of miniature toys. Miniature soldiers, miniature super heroes, animals, birds, fruits and more. Both boys and girls love these miniature toys. So, when you carry these toys with you, you do not have to worry about carrying separate toys for your son and daughter.
Board or Card games-Board and card games are one of the best toys for children while travelling. These games do not have much weight and can be carried easily. Children also get engrossed while playing these games. So, a double winner for both parents and children.
A toy set-Small toy sets like a tea set or a kitchen set or puzzle set can be ideal for children while travelling. Taking along toys such as tea set can be also useful for kids to play at beaches for scooping mud. You needn’t buy extra toys for beaches then.
Balloons-Believe it or not, balloons too can be ideal toys for children when travelling. You can blow it and children can play with them as balls, or just pretend to have a house party in flight with balloons on seats. You will be surprised to see how much they are enjoying their time inside the flight.
Art and paper kit- This is perhaps the best companion for kids during their travel. You need not buy expensive and big kits but even different colored papers and crayons can be ideal. All children, irrespective of age or gender, love to paint. Give them a paper and colors and see them paint away happily.
Let the toys be a source of fun to kids during travel-Toys carried with children during travel are meant to keep them occupied and happy during boring flight journeys or spare time at hotels. Pack useful and convenient toys. Let they add to the fun.
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