Categories: Parenting

How to teach good manners to preschoolers?

As a parent, it’s our responsibility to teach our kids good manners. So that at a social event, they can have interactions with other people in a polite way and they can respect their feelings. Though it is not an easy job, once they grasp it, it will become a part of their life.

When your child starts to go to pre-school, that is a perfect age to teach them manners and develop their social skills. Your preschooler should grow socially, like as he grows physically. It is not at all difficult to make your kid learn good manners. Few efforts and little patience are surely needed.

6 Ways Parents can teach Good manners to their preschoolers.

  • Sharing-At 4 or 5, young children may not fully understand sharing concepts. Parents can teach simple things like waiting for playtime, set examples of sharing, and encourage donations and praise for sharing with friends.
  • Greet people nicely– Most of the kids are shy and hesitate to say hello or goodbye to strangers. Teach your child to face people directly and handshake with them, also teach them how to answer their questions with confidence and tell a little bit more about yourself proactively.
  • Say “Thank you” and “Please”– Encourage children to say thank you when receiving gifts, as it’s a respectable way to show appreciation to waiters. Teach them to use “please” and “excuse me” words, and praise them for their daily conservation efforts.
  • Telephone manners– Make sure that your preschooler speaks politely over the telephone. Be careful that, he should not give much personal information to any stranger. Try fun games by calling on a toy phone to make him learn how to converse well.
  • Table manners-Teach your child table manners at home, such as chewing food closed and waiting for everyone. Teach them to finish all dishes on a plate. Take them to dinner at home, a fun learning experience.
  • Patience– Most children want to express when something comes into their minds. If you are performing some important work and your kid wants to speak to you immediately, then ask him to wait unless it’s urgent. Talk to him once you have done and do not forget to thank him for being patient.

Remember that children always observe others’ behavior and try to copy it. Your kid is going to follow you. So if you desire to grow a well-mannered child, then as a parent, you should behave with others in a good way and be consistent about it.


Nancy is a dedicated blogger passionate about food, recipes, and health care. With a deep love for crafting delicious, nutritious dishes, she shares her expertise through her blog, offering practical advice and creative ideas. Nancy's content is a trusted resource for those seeking to improve their well-being and culinary skills, blending health care insights with mouthwatering recipes to inspire her readers.

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