A nanny is a caregiver or a caretaker of the kids when the parents are away. Nanny makes the life easier of the mother, especially if she is working. But the process of finding a good nanny is a tough and tiring job. A perfect nanny is one who takes care of children with full dedication and fulfills all their needs like food, medicines and play with them. Every family may have certain criteria to choose the perfect nanny for their kids, but overall the basic expectations are same. Let your friends and families know that you are searching for a caregiver for your kids. Personal recommendations and references can help you get what you want in a nanny.

Here are some ideas to find a perfect nanny for your kid

  1. Start the search by letting the neighbors and friends know that you are looking for a nanny. Let them know your requirements and expectations so that they can find one. There are lots of caregiver listing sites and nanny recruitment agencies that help these nanny’s find a job in the families who need them. They are well educated and well trained in handling physical and emotional needs of kids.
  2. A perfect nanny can be the best, only if you check a few things related to her. The background check of the nanny and the reference check should be done just to be sure that she is the perfect one for your kids. Some people already have a background check done, so just need to look at the report. If the nanny does not have any background check, ask the hiring agency to do it for you.
  3. Check if the nanny has some extra qualification that adds to her qualities. Does she have some extra education and experience that make her an extra caring individual? These qualifications can be related to the childcare nurturing and counseling. Degrees related to childcare nutrition and cooking are available across the world and they can be useful for a nanny.
  4. Religion plays an important role in the child development and check the religion of the nanny. If the nanny does not share the same religion as your family, then that can be a problem for you. The child may get taught the basics of the nanny’s religion that you will never want. If you follow a non religion free environment at home, then inform the nanny about it.
  5. A few basic things need to be cleared with the nanny when you hire her. She has to respect the privacy the family. She has to analyze the situation in case of emergencies and has to understand the different stages of child development and should be ready to face them with extreme care.
  6. Nanny can follow a diary where she can write the things which the child has done in the entire day. It can include his activities, the foods he had, some new words or some different behavior; she noticed which the parents should be aware of. This can help the communication between her and the parents.

After all, entrusting your kid in the hands of a stranger can be intimidating and the wrong hiring decision can make it worse. Finding a nanny who is right fit for your family is not so hard. You just need to be clear about your expectations. The above tips will surely help you find a perfect match for your family.