16 Oct 2024

Search Results for smoking

Keep Your Desk Job Cool and Healthy
Career & Money

Keep Your Desk Job Cool and Healthy 

Sitting for so long without any breaks can exhaust the mind. Always choose a quick walk to escape from sleepiness. Sitting is a new form of smoking, people are at high risk for those who are following a desk job without any proper exercise, especially…


Signs That Shows You Are With The Right Person 

What does it mean to be with the right person? Love is an indefinable feeling. Everyone of us, at some point in our life will fall deeply in love with a person. Like how falling in love is easy, developing doubts is easier. Even though…

gif of numeral 30
Lifestyle Hacks, self-care ideas

Things to Stop Doing in Your 30s 

The ‘30s’ are important years in an individual’s life. It carries a lot of memories from the past and responsibility toward the future. This phase of life holds the experiences from naughty childhood, active teenage, and sexy twenties altogether.  Physical and psychological changes happen in…

Health, Pregnancy

Tips for a Healthy Uterus 

The uterus is a significant organ in a female’s body that plays a crucial role in her health and well-being and as a home for a growing fetus. Untreated uterine issues can lead to infertility, Polycystic ovary syndrome, pelvic cancer, ovarian cancer, premenstrual syndrome, uterine…

Things You Should Never Do in Front of Kids

Things You Should Never Do in Front of Kids 

Kids absorb stuff like a sponge. They learn a lot of things from you. The last thing you need your kid to do is to pick up the wrong habits, behavior or attitude from you. Swear or use foul language-Your child can’t pronounce tough words,…

tips for hide wrinkles

Ways To Hide Wrinkles 

Ageing is bound to lead to our skin losing its elasticity. The most prominent areas where wrinkles appear are on the face, especially near the eyes and mouth. These horrifying crow’s feet or frown lines or whatever name we come up with cannot hide the…