Ingrown hairs are certainly ugly and they appear like bumps on the face, with the hair growing inside looking apparent. Ingrown hair occurs because the hair curls inwards and starts growing inside the skin. People who have curly or rough textured hair experience it more than others. In some cases, such ingrowth can lead to inflammation and soreness. There are several ways to treat and prevent them from occurring through necessary home remedies.
An ingrown hair is a hair strand that grows back to your skin after waxing, shaving, or tweezing. It may be itchy or painful and usually visible around your legs, public area, armpits, and face. These are also called barber bumps, shave bumps, and razor bumps.
Ingrown hair sometimes causes inflammation, swelling, and more pain. In women, it is common in the legs, cheeks, chins, armpits, and public areas. Are home remedies for ingrown hair effective? Well, the home remedies for ingrown hair help remove dead skin cells on the skin’s surface and allow hair to grow in the right direction. What are the best home remedies for ingrown hair? Let’s delve into it.
You can gently exfoliate the skin using a natural scrub. A scrub helps remove the dead skin, dirt, or other oils that block and prevent hair from growing outwards.Some of the natural products used for exfoliation include:
You can place warm compresses on specific areas. Press the ingrown hair area with a cloth dipped in hot water for a few minutes and repeat the process. Repeat till all the hair appears on the surface.
Warm milk and bread compress is another method that sounds crazy, but it is effective in dislodging hair growing under the skin. Dip bread in hot milk and then press this bread piece on the affected area for a few moments and repeat the process. This method has been effective in opening the pores to let the trapped hair out.
Vinegar has a lot of anti-bacterial properties that help in the removal of dead skin. Soak the affected area using a cotton ball containing apple cider vinegar apply it to the affected areas and let it dry. Rinse with normal water after 15 to 20 minutes and pat dry.
Tea tree oil has healing and anti-inflammatory properties that allow you to get rid of ingrown hair faster. First, you can mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with one tablespoon of olive oil and apply it to the affected areas. Keep the mixture on your skin for around ten minutes before rinsing with water.
The aloe vera gel rich in nutrients soothes your skin and quickens the healing process. Extract the gel from the fresh aloe leaf and apply it to the specific area. Later, keep it for half an hour before washing it with warm water.
It is fine to be beauty-conscious. Here are some useful tips to shape up unwanted hair on your face without pain. Read it and let us know how much effective they are.
Usage of proper hair removal techniques is the best way to prevent ingrown hairs. You can avoid plucking and waxing pubic hair, but it is not possible always. Follow these practices that may prevent your ingrown hairs.
There are different ways to treat ingrown hair. Some of the methods are mentioned below:
A continuous ingrown hair is nothing to be alarmed about. If you often get ingrown public hair, along with some health issues, and other infections, you can consult a healthcare provider for better health.
Now, why wait? Do try these home remedies for ingrown hair for better results. Ingrown hairs are a usual skin condition that appears in the places where you shave or wax, especially in your legs, hands, and armpits. A perfect skincare routine helps prevent ingrown hair and provides better relief.
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